Friday, April 30, 2010

The Big 2-5!!

On Monday I turned the big 2-5 (a quarter century)!! I wasn't expecting such a huge ordeal but I guess Brian was trying to make it special because this birthday is kind of a land mark. Because it was on Monday we got to celebrate it all weekend. On Friday we went the Jazz game, which they won!! It was so much fun! Playoff games are always so fun because the arena is so loud and the crowd really gets into it. 
And this was Brian's dad jumping into the picture.
Brian surprised me on Saturday by calling all of our friends to go out to eat (not everyone could make it) but it nice to get us all together.
Sunday we invited my family over for dinner. My sisters came over with their kids as well as my parents and grandma, but my two brothers couldn't make it. My brother Gareth was studying for finals and my other brother Steven wasn't feeling well. My other sister Christie was also not there because she lives in Colorado.
This is my dad holding Brooklyn.
This is my sister, Alicia, 8.5 months pregnant watching B Bear (this is what my family calls her because that is what they called me growing up) crawl.
This is my sister, Bethanie, with William and her husband Steve.
When it came time for cake, all of the kids were fascinated with the candles.
On Monday when I got home from work I walked in from the garage just as Brian was snapping a picture of me. He sat out my presents on the table because he was so excited to give them to me. He always knows just what to get me.
Then we went out to eat with Brian's family at Tepanyaki. It was especially delicious! Brian's dad split sushi with me since we are the only ones that like it and Kristen tried it for the first time.
Brooklyn snuggling Grandma.

I now know why Brian was so excited to give me my birthday presents. He got me my first SLR camera. I was so surprised he got it! He knew that I wanted a nice camera, I just didn't think he was actually going to buy one. In addition, he also got me a zoom lense. 
My other birthday gifts consisted of jewelry, a blow dryer, a cd, an apron, clothes, and a manicure & pedicure gift certificate. I truly got spoiled this year!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Tribute to the Moon Landing...

The past few days at work I have had the privilege of wearing a respirator suit. Because I am under a confidentiallity agreement I can't tell the reason behind my wearing of the suit. However, I can tell you that these suits serve several functions: to protect against the inhalation of a controlled substances/organic vapors, make for a nice reenactment of the first steps on the moon, and to provide a trendy fashion statement (including the hair style after the suit has been removed).

WARNING: This suit does not protect against nerdism!! 

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday At The Olsen Household

My Mom watches Brooklyn on Wednesdays so she was over at our house yesterday. My sister brought over her two boys while she went and got her hair done. Whenever my Mom watches multiple kids she always has some funny stories to tell me when I get home.
My nephew Noah, who is three almost four, got into our pantry and grabbed a box of mac and cheese. He went through the drawers and found some oven mits, which he proceeded to put on, and put the box of mac and cheese in the oven. I guess he was cavin' some mac and cheese, what kid doesn't? Noah was already eating food so my Mom put everything away. A little later she found the box and the oven mits in the oven again! I thought that was so funny! How does a three year old know to put on oven mits on if he is going to open the oven and does it without even being told to? The oven wasn't even on.
When little B tries to communicate, especially with other kids, she does a delighted squeal with intermittent "hi"s and "da da da"s. Noah and Connor, who is one almost two, tried talking back to her with their own version of these sqeals. My Mom said it was hilarious to watch these little boys try to reach the pitch that she was talking at. Also, Connor would find her binkis around the house and come up and put them in her mouth. When she was trying to play with her toys, he kept telling her "no no no!" He thought all of the toys were there for his brother and him. Too funny!
Later when I got home from work, I noticed that Brooklyn was chewing on her binki pretty good and I saw that her other bottom tooth popped out!! This really surpised me because her top left tooth is almost out (there is a thin layer of skin over the tooth but you can almost see the whole thing). I hadn't even noticed the bottom one because I was so focused on the top tooth. So we are expecting that top one to come anytime. For having all of her teeth coming in at once, she is a surprisingly pleasant girl!!
This same sister, Alicia, is pregnant with a girl due in three and a half weeks! She went to the doctor yesterday and found out that she is 75% effaced and dilated to a four! Needless to say she could come at anytime! She has to watch out because in my family after your first baby the others come within two hours of labor so her doctor told her to get to the hospital asap when she goes into labor. I am so excited because they are going to be in the same grade and this is Brooklyn's first girl cousin her age. The only other girl cousins she has are four and fourteen.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Family Photo Shoot

We had some family pics taken this last Saturday and these are the preview photos that she sent me today, so there should be more to come. She is just getting started with her business but I think these turned out pretty cute. She has a unique and creative style! 

Monday, April 19, 2010

Gone Fishing

With this warm weather we have been having, it is getting me excited about the summer and all of our summer traditions. One of which is fishing.... Brian and I will go to one of the ponds around our house or we take a short drive up the canyon and fish in the river. We have been doing this ever since we dated. Before him I had only been a few times and now it is something that I really enjoy doing with him. It is something he loves to do especially while camping with his dad. (There will also be plenty of camping to come.) He is my true OUTDOORS MAN!!
He always catches the most fish no matter who we go with and I never even have to bait my own hook. He always does it for me!! I know ,spoiled right?!

We are excited to take Brooklyn fishing too. Although she has already been a few time while in my belly.
Last year for a couple months, he even taught a group of ten year olds to fish. He also taught my niece and nephews. Here we are with my sister, Christie, and her kids and this is the big fish we ended up with!!  

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April Showers

On Saturday Brian and I went skiing. When we came home that night I did my usual watering of our two plants, which have sucessfully been alive for 8 months (a new record!!!). On the way to our corner plant I spilled a little water, maybe a few drops. When Brian walked by, he noticed some water and asked me how much I had spilled. He noticed a lot more water than that!! There was a swampy area in one quadrant of the room. You could hear the water squishing with each step!
A plumber came by yesterday, luckily we've got a home warranty, and found that we had a leak from the pipe that was going to the toilet (not sewage!!). Water had been running underneath the wall for quite some time. It did not affect any of the walls because there is roughly an inch or so between the cement under the carpet and floor boards.

So currently the carpet is ripped up and fans are going 24-7 to get the carpet aired out, and the carpet pad has been thrown away to prevent molding. Now the question is, do we replace the carpet that we wanted to a little later down the road or keep the old and replace it later?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter And More....

For our Easter weekend we went to Mesquite, Nevada for a few days. This has become an annual trip with the Olsen family. It is always over conference weekend so "The Bishop" (Brian's dad) can go. First, we started out with a 9 hole round of golf. Brooklyn and her cousin Baylor were babysat by some friends of a friend who lived just outside of Mesquite. It actually turned out pretty well especially for the girls, since we don't golf very often.
We also spent some time by the pool. It was miss B's first experience swimming and she had so much fun. She loves her baths and the swimming pool was like a giant bath tub to her! She is always so calm and relaxed in the water from the time she was born.
Here she is floating on in the tube grandpa got for her. We took turns pushing her around the pool.
This spoiled girl took turns playing with mom and dad.
Some of the gang in the sun.
We also did some bowling while taking turns holding Brooklyn and Baylor. It helped to have them together because they entertain one another. Kristen showed off her talent of holding Baylor in one hand and bowling with the other. I think she even got a couple of pins down in the process!! (Sorry no picture)
Brooklyn Cotton Tail
 came to visit on Easter morning!! And she did have a cotton tail on her bum with some ears to finish the ensemble!
She was spoiled once again with plenty of toys. It was fun to watch Brooklyn and Baylor go back and forth taking toys away from each other because they wanted what the other had.
And for the biggest news of all.......
Brooklyn got her first tooth!!!
It is really hard to see, but this is the only picture I can get of it. She has had it with people trying to get a peek! It is the bottom left one. If you look close you can see a little white right by her lip.
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